Friday, October 26, 2007

New data analysis sourcebook from Hayes & Slater

Our own Andrew Hayes and Michael Slater have a new book coming out in November called The SAGE Sourcebook of Advanced Data Analysis Methods for Communication Research. This is a must-have resource for students and faculty who want to learn more about statistical topics such as assessing mediation, latent growth modeling, multilevel modeling, propensity scoring, or time series analysis. Here's a link to the table of contents.

Andrew and Michael are co-editors of and contributors to this text. Also, as many of you know, Andrew has another statistics textbook, the famous Statistical Methods for Communication Science.

And Michael has had years of experience as principal investigator of NIDA funded randomized community trials -- in terms of evaluation design and analysis, one of the toughest challenges.

How lucky we are to have this level of expertise in HCRG and the School of Communication!

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