Sunday, May 11, 2008

HCRG transitions to CHASSIS...

Have you heard? CHASSIS 's the word...

Beginning next academic year, HCRG will officially transition to a new name with a broader focus: CHASSIS, which stands for Communication, Health, Attitude Structure, and Social Influence Strategies.

Per Mike Slater's recent e-mail to group members, the idea behind CHASSIS is that the intellectual challenges in health communication are the same kinds of challenges facing the broader fields of communication and persuasion: developing a better understanding of the role of mediated and interpersonal communication in social influence and social behavior, and a better understanding how it is that messages have the effects they do on attitudes and behaviors. Likewise, progress in those areas (attitude structure, social influence process and strategies) will better inform those of us involved with health communication issues.

Stay tuned for further plans as we roll out the new CHASSIS in the fall. As always, input and ideas are most welcome!

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